Categories | Percentage | |
Electronics | Televisions | 14,5% |
Video game consoles | 12,5% | |
Computers and printers | 14,5% | |
Mobiles and smartphones | 14,5% | |
Audio and video | 14,5% | |
Cameras and drones | 14,5% | |
Electronic devices | 17,5% | |
Automobile | Auto parts (except audio and video) | 17,5% |
Consumer products | Food and drink | 14,5% |
Personal hygiene | 17,5% | |
Cleaning products | 17,5% | |
Health and beauty | Health and medical equipment | 17,5% |
Beauty | 17,5% | |
Babies | Babies (except apparel and food) | 19,5% |
Games and toys | 19,5% | |
Sports | Other sport and fitness items (except apparel and shoes) | 19,5% |
Bikes and cycling (except apparel and shoes) | 19,5% | |
Fashion and apparel | Clothing, shoes, bags and accessories | 19,5% |
Watches | 19,5% | |
Jewelry | 22,5% | |
Home | White line appliances | 19,5% |
Small appliances | 19,5% | |
Home (interior and exterior) | 19,5% | |
Tools and construction | Manual tools | 19,5% |
Electric tools | 16,5% | |
Building materials | 19,5% | |
Hobbies, art and entertainment | Multimedia, books and other entertainment items | 19,5% |
Concert tickets | 19,5% | |
Video games | 19,5% | |
Hobbies, art and collectibles | 19,5% | |
Musical instruments | 19,5% | |
Games and toys | 19,5% | |
Pets | Pets | 17,5% |
Pet food | 14,5% | |
Industry, company and office | Stationery and others | 14,5% |
Industry and office | 16,5% | |
Others | 22,5% |